Manni Group in support of “FormaMentis. Per una Didattica dell’Architettura"

Manni Group once again supports the initiatives of partners engaged in the education and dissemination of culture related to the world of architecture.

We have joined as a sponsor and personally participated in the FormaMentis conference held today, 23 March, at the Politecnico di Milano, an event to reflect on the subject of teaching architecture.

The debate focused on the universal criteria of education in architecture, in search of an innovative and interdisciplinary approach. The importance of practical experience and the balance between scientific, humanistic and technical knowledge in forming a complete architect was discussed.

The architect as an intellectual figure requires a holistic and scientific education, which enables the fusion of knowledge of the art of building with a sensitivity to measure, space and harmony. Furthermore, the role of architecture in confronting renewed paradigms in the contemporary city was reflected upon, placing the environment and its preservation at the centre of the debate. 

The discussion was enriched by the comparison between prestigious representatives of the main European schools of architecture, whose contributions completed the picture of the most significant experiences in the field of didactics for architecture and its declinations.