Manni Sipre

Manni Sipre offers IPE steel beams, HEA steel beams, HEB steel beams, HEM steel beams and UPN profiles.
Each of them is available in different dimensions.

These rolled beams differ from the standard ones in to two fundamental aspects:
-compared to the HEA and the IPE of the same nominal designation, the HEAA and IPEAA lightened beams are thinner
-the Wx / Weight ratio is better than with standard beams

To the rolling beam, Manni Sipre adds the welded beam made using submerged arc welding. All processes are qualified by the Italian Institute of Welding.
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Manni Sipre offers a wide range of steel sheet, available in different sizes.
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Manni Sipre offers a wide range of steel tubes, in different sized and qualities.
Explore the productOver the years, the solutions of the Group have led to the realization of thousands of construction projects in various sectors.

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